The vengeful and hateful far-right, along with its supporters within the French government, are orchestrating a campaign of disinformation—bordering on defamation—against Algeria, believing they have found an outlet for their resentments and frustrations.
Contrary to what the French far-right, its spokespersons and its supporters claim, Algeria is not, in any way, engaged in a logic of escalation, provocation or humiliation. Rather, it is the far-right and their representatives who wish to impose their views on Franco-Algerian relations through attempts at intimidation, threats and confrontation that they discuss openly and without restraint.
The arbitrary and abusive expulsion of an Algerian national from France to Algeria provided this nostalgic faction of France an opportunity to give free rein to its historical score-settling with the sovereign and independent Algeria.
The ministry noted that the timing was particularly ill-conceived, given that the national subject to expulsion had lived in France for 36 years and held a residence permit for 15 years. He also is the father of two children born from his marriage to a French citizen. Finally, he is socially integrated, having maintained stable employment for 15 years.
These combined factors undeniably granted him legal rights, which he was unable to exercise in either French or European courts due to his rushed and contentious expulsion. The national was thus denied access to due process—a crucial protection against abuse of authority—as the expulsion order, if fully implemented, would have precluded his participation in legal proceedings scheduled for February 24 this year.
Moreover, in violation of the relevant provisions of the Algerian-French Consular Convention of May 24, 1974, the French authorities did not deem it necessary to inform the Algerian side of the national’s arrest, custody, detention or expulsion. Furthermore, they failed to respond to Algeria’s request to exercise its consular protection rights through visitation privileges.
Given these overreaches and violations of rights granted to the Algerian national on French territory, the Algerian d