The leaders of the political parties called on Saturday to generalize the national reconciliation through the strengthening of the democratic practice to preserve the unity and stability of the country.
On the 7th day of the electoral campaign for the legislative elections of 4 May 2017, the head of El Islah Movement Filali Ghouini committed, in a meeting in M’sila (248-km east of Algiers), “to working for the expansion of the national reconciliation, establishment of the national concord and preservation of the country’s unity and stability,” affirming that “those who feed illusions to destabilize the country will be disappointed.”
In this regard, the head of the Algerian Popular Movement (MPA) Amara Benyounes said in Tizi Ouzou (103-km east of Algiers) that the only way for the construction and development of Algeria is “the democratic solution,” underlining that “the change through the street leads always to chaos and never to democracy.”
In Skikda (510-km east of Algiers), the head of El Moustakbal Front Abdelaziz Belaid affirmed that his party aspires to a balanced society based of fraternity and justice, adding that Algeria possesses enormous resources for its economic recovery, based on the development of agriculture, transformation industries and tourism.
For his part, the Secretary General of the Workers’ Party (PT) Louisa Hanoune called, in Tlemcen (540-km west of Algiers), the citizens to “make Algeria immune to the internal and external threats,” pointing out that the elections of 4 May represent “a battle that we must lead together because it is a question of national safeguard.”
The Secretary General of the National Republican Alliance (ANR) Belkacem Sahli reaffirmed, in El Bayadh (700-km southwest of Algiers), that his party “puts Algeria above the partisan interests,” welcoming on the same occasion the reforms undertaken by President of the Republic Abdelaziz Bouteflika.
The first Secretary of the Socialist Forces Front (FFS) Abdelmalek Bouchafa affirmed, in Djelfa (275-km south of Algiers), that his party wants to ensure an “ organized work environment to rebuild a country where the State’s culture and citizenship’s values prevail.”
In Jijel (359-km east of Algiers), the Secretary General of the National Democratic Rally (RND) Ahmed Ouyahia focused his speech on the economic component, stressing the need to move towards a good governance in management.
For his part, the head of Algeria’s Hope Rally (TAJ) Amar Ghoul affirmed, in Tlemcen, that his party advocates the local development in border areas to fight against smuggling, while the head of the Alliance MSP-FC Abderrezak Makri said, in Tlemcen, that the support of economy and the methodical fight against corruption can curb the scourge of smuggling.