The Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, Aimene Benabderrahmane, on Tuesday will co-chair with the Tunisian Head of Government, Najla Bouden, the commemorative ceremonies of the 64th anniversary of the events of Sakiet Sidi-Youcef in the Tunisian city of Kef, located at the borders between the two brotherly countries, the Prime Minister’s Office said Monday in a statement.
On the sidelines of this event, “the PM will hold talks with his Tunisian counterpart on the development of bilateral relations, particularly the development of border areas between the two countries,” said the source.
Benabderrahmane will be accompanied by “the ministers of Interior, Local Authorities and National Planning and Mujahideen and Right Holders.”
Further information / Pour davantage d’information: https://www.aps.dz/algerie/135213-evenements-sakiet-sidi-youcef-aimene-benaberrahmane-co-preside-mardi-les-ceremonies-commemoratives; https://www.aps.dz/algerie/135187-les-massacres-de-sakiet-sidi-youssef-ont-scelle-les-liens-de-solidarite-entre-deux-peuples
Source APS