President of the Republic Abdelaziz Bouteflika on Wednesday praised the Algerian women’s role in the country’s liberation and its building.
“Algeria’s women have written the most beautiful pages of our people’s History and we must pay a glowing tribute to all the heroines of our resistance against the colonial invasion and our female martyrs who fell during our glorious War of Liberation,” said the Head of the State in a message read on his behalf by Minister of Post and Information and Communication Technologies Iman Houda Feraoun, during a ceremony chaired by Premier Abdelmalek Sellal, on the occasion of International Women’s Day.
Moreover, President Bouteflika praised the Mujahideedate (female war veterans) “who have been among the first architects of Algeria’s freedom and an example in the post-independence battle of construction and building.”
“Women have been an important partner and active player in Algeria’s rebuilding effort, following the destruction caused by colonialism, which allowed to progressively building a modern Algeria in all the sectors,” he added.
“The Algerian women’s epic battle through centuries and decades implied the resolution of the State to promote them in all the fields, through the generalization of girls’ access to education and today they make up the majority in our universities.
This very effort was crowned by the strong presence of women in the sectors of education and health, and even in the key sectors of justice, security forces and People’s National Army.”
The president said that “this successive progress is the fruit of a strong political determination which allowed to consolidating the Algerian women’s political representation, granting them nearly 32% of seats of the People’s National Assembly (Lower House).”
This rate “is higher than those recorded in many parliaments of developed countries,” said President Bouteflika, hoping that this rate will rise in the coming legislative elections and reiterating his willingness to “enhance women’s chances to hold top positions and participate in wealth creation.”
Recalling his willingness “through the last constitutional amendment to mark State commitment to achieve gender equality in the labour market,” President Bouteflika welcomed that “over 10% of the private companies created in the past decade are ruled by women.”
The Head of the State mentioned “the numerous achievements of women, notably in sports.”
“The recognition of Algeria’s results in the field of human development, especially the promotion of women’s political role by the African leaders during last year’s summit and by the Arab community during a forum held last year in Jordan is undeniably a source of pride,” concluded President Bouteflika.